Thursday, April 26, 2007

Your ass will burn in HELL

I want to share with you something funny, a crazy debate on religion that I helped to ignite on youtube.

It was all in response to a video in which Fox neocon Bill O'Reilly interviewed Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion, a best-selling book about the falsehood of religion.

It went like this:

christianjax (6 hours ago)
If you want scientific proof of God, explain theTHOUSANDS of christian statues and paintings around the world that routinely BLEED human blood, and cry human tears. There is NO scientific explaination. Yet it happens. AND the blood comes from areas common with the crucifixion such as wrists and feet. And the "tears" always come from the eyes of the statues or paintings. Coincedence? That takes a bigger leap of faith than to believe in the divine.
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rcardusj (6 hours ago)
are you on drugs?
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christianjax (6 hours ago)
no, never had them or never will.
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christianjax (5 hours ago)
and just curious, but are you actually denying that ithappens? Try googling "bleeding statues" or "crying statues", it is VERY documented. You would have to be a crack head to NOT have heard of it.
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rrWjr423 (5 hours ago)
yeah i deny it. i haven't seen it personally, and i doubt you have either. until then you can google just about anything.
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christianjax (5 hours ago)
It isn't just a google thing. I've seen several news stories on national news sources about crying or bleeding statues. There was even a show on the history channel about one particular statue that was exrayed and examined to try and figure out the cause. NO cause was ever found. Go ahead and live in denial. I hope you can deny the flames of hell buring your ass too.
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rRwj342 (5 hours ago)
ahahhaha, spoken like a true blue re-pubic-an so called christian. ahahahaha. burn your lips on this hard dick hippo-crit.ahhaaahaa.true so called christians don't judge or cuss dipshit.ahahahaha
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Datan0de (5 hours ago)
I did Google "bleeding statues". Two of the top three links explain how under impartial scrutiny they turn out to be hoaxes. The third is a page full of mad ramblings that asks for money at the end. To believe that which is supported by evidence requires no faith at all, and to apply faith is to abandon reason.
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christianjax (5 hours ago)
What you saw is how it COULD BE FAKED. not that it IS faked. There IS a difference. And that does not explain the thousands of cases. Many scientificly investigated with NO explaination. But just like a liberal to discount overwhelming evidence to fit their agenda.
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rRwj342 (5 hours ago)
ahhahaha, dumb ass. i guess you believe in ufos also. point is, you have never seen it personally so get liberal on deese..... deese salty, sweaty nuts.hahahaha
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