This is a very interesting story from Friday's New York Times. This girl, Hannah, 23, teacher of Spanish, went running on Riverside Drive*, New York, last August, and was found three weeks later floating on the river Hudson - alive. What happened during those three weeks nobody knows, not even she. Security cameras recorded her in the Apple store, as well as in some Starbucks. For people who like categorizing, psychiatrists call it "dissociative fugue". But reading it I thought it was more amazing than that.
*Try looking at New York City using Google Earth. It's like flying between buildings, over parks and squares...
ai mareta meua... aquestes coses a mi em fan por... imagina't que et passa a tu... sort que tinc el Timmy per vigilar-me!!!!!
It can happen to anybodiiiiy! :o)
El teu amic P. Auster ha explicat alguna història semblant, no? Pèrdua de la identitat, de la memòria...
sí, de fet n'ha explicat més d'una, al moon palace, a la trilogia de new york i a el pais de las últimas cosas... segur que a ell li ha semblat també una gran història, i més passant a nova york!!!!!!!
meu deus, el món està girant-se cap per avall!!!!
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